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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Sasha and Digweed
Okay, to tell u the truth, the only reason I guess I went to go see them was to say I saw them. Me comienzo a cambiar como deso de las 9, toda linda como siempre... o como mi bubu me dice Toda Encuerada.. okay okay I have a favor for bieng always showing more skin than I can bare. So I get picked up at about 11.30pm. It was so funny cuz when I went to tell my ma that I was leaving she was so asleep and the dog started barking. She was startled to death and started screaming.. and Im in there looking at her in awe, like damn u crazy!!!!!! Nos paramos en la Bomba Shell de alla lejo.. la de Boca Chica to catch up with everyone else. We made it...making the VIP lines, me encuentro con los porteros de Abacus, pero que I didn't know it was them when one of them said hi, it took me for him to say Wendy ta ahi adentro that I realized who it was... none the less he didnt have a clue that I didnt know it was him. You see I have this trick to say hi to everybody, even if you don't remember them. Cuz soon theyll start talking and then youre like ooooooooooooooooooooh ya yo se quien es. Aqui le dejo con 3 videitos del bonche... 8,000 people according to Krtn.

Ranted By Lola @ 3:48 PM  
1 Rant It!:
  • At March 21, 2006 10:35 PM,

    Blogger Neto ranted out …

    jajaja, en el primer video se oye un tipo dike YO ANDO CON MI MARIDO, PERO EL ANDA POR AHI, SE LO TAN METIENDO O ALGO ASI hahahaha omg lola, con kien e k tu te junta!


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Name: Lola
Home: lolaland
About Me:About Me? Why are these things so shallow? How else can I describe myself if it's not throughout my daily writings, my expressions of thought, my perception of the world, by opening the door to my world, inside my head. To resume it all, my life consists of new goals and persistently trying to renew myself, my constance search for bieng happy
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