.....:::Memoirs of a Lola:::.....

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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Suki Suki
Okay, I was on a mission the whole entire week I was out from work to go to the Gyno, well Monday doesn't count cause you know.. u gotta sleep it off... Tuesday and Im lazy.. Wenesday and he doesn't work in the morning.. So I called and decided to go in the afternoon. Now keep in mind that Ive never ever ever gone. So it was extremely akward for a man to tell me take off your pants and underwear lie down and open your legs... well let me refrase.. it was akward in this case (LOL). So that's over with. Thursday arrived and I was counting the minutes for my Bubu to arrive. When he did I was estatic, I missed him so much. His Dad left like about half hour I was there, oooooooooo suki suki!!!!!!!!! Y me pego la gripe :( so now ahora toy yo con un dolor de garganta.. but it was worth it
Ranted By Lola @ 8:26 PM  
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Name: Lola
Home: lolaland
About Me:About Me? Why are these things so shallow? How else can I describe myself if it's not throughout my daily writings, my expressions of thought, my perception of the world, by opening the door to my world, inside my head. To resume it all, my life consists of new goals and persistently trying to renew myself, my constance search for bieng happy
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